• Leader-Post (Samantha Maciag)

"Whynot’s talented performance holds up a mirror to the audience, reflecting a little piece of society"

Geoff knew from a very early age that he had a strong connection to the world of theatre. From the age of about 5, when his mother first brought him to one of her rehearsals, he realized he’d found his place.

 Through his childhood and teenage years, he was gradually allowed to participate more and more in the backstage world of putting on a play, and learned the first principles of making theatre from the technical side of things. But it was when he stepped on stage in his first speaking role that Geoff knew his place was there, in direct relationship with the audience.

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"Geoffrey Whynot vibrates with a theatrical intensity."

  • NOW Magazine (Jon Kaplan)
Geoff’s professional acting career has taken him from east to west across Canada, with stops in Halifax, Charlottetown, Quebec’s Eastern Townships, the Shaw and Stratford Festivals, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, and Vancouver, along with many other spots in between.

Download his resumé








Noble Caplan Abrams
Penny Noble




Watch Geoff's reel:

Feat. excerpts from Guillermo del toro's Cabinet of CUriosities, reign, and monk


NOminated for two dora awards

The first for his performance in a one-man show called Shaky Grounds, and the second as part of the ensemble for Box 4901

Tuesdays with Morrie - Globe Theatre

Leader-Post (Samantha Maciag): Whynot’s talented performance holds up a mirror to the audience, reflecting a little piece of society… successfully portrays the gradual change in temperament from standoffish to emotional.”

Shaky Grounds:

Atlantic Fringe Festival - Chronicle-Herald (Stephen Pedersen): 
Geoffrey Whynot pulls off a coup-de-theatre in this brilliant talk-a-thon blitz.

SummerWorks (Toronto)

NOW Magazine (Jon Kaplan):
Geoffrey Whynot vibrated with a theatrical intensity.

CKLN (Don Mosley)

It’s hilarious! I’m blown away! Geoffrey Whynot is a playwright’s dream.

Contact Geoff to work with him

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Finding his way back to his laptop, Geoff can't wait to see what stories he will tell.

Reach out if you'd like to collaborate or commission his work.

Wondering where you can see his work?

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